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wieso ist es immernoch unmöglich auf englische subs zu wechseln?

why is it still impossible to change to english subs? says and shows on the site you can change to english and german subtitles, but it is impossible, only german subtitle works, english doesn't, so why showing it then in the first place? so more people come over on this website? yea but when they see that, they just simply leave again (those who search for english subs) yea i live in a german speaking country, und ja ich kann deutsch, but i don't speak german, and also never watch anime or play games in german, always everything on english or japanese (animes in japanese with eng sub) but that is impossible, thanks for showing that you can change them, even if you can't, why lying then, they even said with an pop up, you can change that (refered to the language (subs) change) if you logg in, so i extra made an account, just to be trolled from them again tf why building your site of lies? people who come for english subs, cuz they tought it has, just leave after seeing they don't have them, even after twice saying so, their just plus getting mad so why doing that, it just makes me very mery mad, and it's not the first time i'm saying this at, so it would be awesome if they finally could fix that, maybe that's just a bug and you should be able to change them, then that's great, but then they should finally fix that, i mean on their other site which are only for animes their it doesn't even get showed that you can change, but here, i realy look forward to it, for them to finally change that, and i really really hope someone of the team finally sees and change that, i'm tired of waiting that they finally change that, cuz this is the best free anime streaming site, they simply have everything crunchyroll doesn't have, and what they don't have does crunchyroll or youtube have so you basically have everything here, and they have the most animes, so it would be really really sad that it fails just for fixing that, so please please fix that so were beeing able to change that, i mean those people who made this website are surely also not mad about if this site gets even a bigger audience, so more people (on the whole world) sees their ads, what means more money goes to them, and trust me when eng subs finally working that's what will happen cuz then everyone is able to understand, so please, please finally change that, it makes me really sad that this is still not fixed, please finally fix that, thanks for reading!

5 Antworten

Antwort von Team

Hallo Hikikomori, gibt auf keine flagge die EN-SUBS anzeigt,
hingegen die USA- flagge, welche für EN oder allgemein für OV's steht.

wer animes sucht, welche mit en-subs versehen sind,
kann bei jeder anime-serie nur den partnerlink anklicken
dort ist eine JAP/USA - flagge enthalten!
welche EN-untertitel anbietet (sofern erhältlich).

auf findet man 3 flaggen:
DE - flagge (gerdub) = deutsch / de-synchro
de/usa flagge (gersub / de-untertitel) = englisch / ov mit de- untertitel
USA - flagge = en / en - synchro oder allgemein OV

es ist nicht vorgesehen, für jede landessprache eine entsprechende flagge anzuzeigen
und da bei "RL"-serien EN als synchro anbietet,
steht die USA-flagge allg. auch für OVs.

Dein Smiley

User heidjerbua, Profilbild
Antwort von heidjerbua

Moin Hikiko,

falls du Animes meinst, die werden nur solange mit eng/subs verlinkt wie noch keine ger/subs oder gar ger/dubs verfügbar sind.
RL-Serien werden hier überhaupt nicht mit eng/subs verlinkt, nur wenn noch nicht in ger/dubs vorhanden gibt es ger/subs.
Es würde auch keinen Sinn machen, da es genügend englische Streamingseiten gibt die das anbieten.

lg heidjer

User tassian8261, Profilbild
Antwort von tassian8261

so mentally unstable Smiley

User Treefrog, Profilbild
Antwort von Treefrog

I don't know where your problem is? Where Eng Subs are available, you can use them. For example, on top of the hoster of your choice, you can find °Sprache:" and several flags like German, JAP/Ger, JAP/ENG and so on. Just push the one you prefer, et voilà ... I tested it and it really worked.
Sorry for my English.

User Lila4711, Profilbild
Antwort von Lila4711

this is a german site. There are no english subtitles.